5th cohort of GLOBALLERS
身長165㎝ (Height 5.4ft) 体重60kg (Weight 132lb)
琉球ゴールデンキングスU15 3月卒業
Scheduled to graduate from the Ryukyu Golden Kings U15 in March
- 2021年 U12愛知県選抜
- 2022年 U13愛知県選抜、東海ブロック選抜
- 2023年 U14愛知県選抜、インフロニア B.LEAGUE U15 CHAMPIONSHIP ベスト5選出
- 2024年 U15沖縄県選抜、沖縄県国体バスケ少年男子代表、京王 Jr.ウィンターカップ ベスト5選出
- 2021: Selected for the U12 Aichi Prefecture Representative Team
- 2022: Selected for the U13 Aichi Prefecture and Tokai Area Representative Team
- 2023: Selected for the U14 Aichi Prefecture Representative Team and National Club Team Tournament Top 5 Player Award
- 2024: Selected for the U15 Okinawa Prefecture Representative Team and Chosen as a member of the Okinawa Prefecture Boys’ Basketball Team for the National Sports Festival and National Tournament Top 5 Player Award
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Check out the latest from Keiji Koshi Instagram